Here I am, this super “productive” person that looks like I have my shit together, but is constantly thinking that I’m behind or obsessing about the next thing…yeah “focus, Gari-Ann, focus!” I know this about myself and creating goals and lists have been essential in keeping me on track and reminding me about what’s important on a daily and long term basis. As a brand & product photographer in the Washington D.C. area, I’m always trying to figure out what’s next for the big picture…here’s how I take the next step!
But here’s the thing…annual goals simply overwhelmed me, and because they overwhelmed me I felt the need to get them checked off my list asap. In January, I felt all the anxiety of having these huge goals on my list. I’d bust my butt accomplishing them and be done by mid-February. Yeah…that’s not how it’s supposed to work. Also, maybe my goals should have been bigger…hmmm.
After being in a program with my friend and Marketing coach, Melody Tholstrup of My Size Marketing, and reading “The 12 week year”, I’ve come to realize that quarterly goals work best for me. Here’s a few reasons why:
Here’s the goal sheet that I’ve made for myself as an adaptation of Melody’s: Quarterly Goal Sheet
So here’s what my quarterly & monthly goal process looks like:
I Write down 3-4 big things I’d like to do over the next quarter (keeping in mind my family & work commitments)
Quarter 1 Goals
At the beginning of each month I’ll write out my monthly goals by taking small chunks out of my quarterly goals or simply assigning that month as the month that I’ll accomplish that big goal. Yes, these might be smaller steps towards the big goals, but they are a step in the correct direction & this collection of small steps ensures that I’m getting the big stuff done.
January Goals
As I’m planning out my up-coming week each Friday afternoon, I’ll make sure to plan some smaller tasks on my calendar to help me get those monthly goals accomplished. Yes I said plan in the tasks, I put it on my to-do list and block off time to get it done! Here are the small moves that will quickly add up if I do something each week of the 12 week quarter.
Week of January 2-8
Over the last three years of subscribing to a quarterly system, I’ve accomplished more things in my business than I ever had. I think I just found the right system for me!
This is the first year in 3 years that I did finally write down some big goals for the year. They aren’t big projects, but big overarching goals that I want keep reminding myself of. I’ll add in some of these as tasks throughout the quarter to ensure I’m remembering them: