This is my absolute favorite part of the moving process, meeting all these wonderful people that made it onto your list. But how do you reach out to them? Here are ways that you can start building that authentic relationship…this doesn’t mean just sliding into their DMs, in this blog post, I‘ve outlined the details of how I ask, but here’s the summary:
Prior to us moving to a new market, we always try our best to go for a visit before hand. This allows us the opportunity to house hunt, but for me to meet some of the people that I hope to connect with in person ahead of our move (and accelerating the growth of our relationship). Take pictures, write blog posts (this is great to get your SEO started), and keep up that connection with your new friends until you move. Sometimes this is possible, but other times it is not.
Make a list of ways that you can start getting yourself out there in front of people in a way that is authentic to your life. As a mom, military spouse, and business owner I look for ways that fit into my life–volunteering at school, joining the spouses club, looking at ways to co-work with other business owners, and going to networking events to meet like minded creatives. Take a look at this blog to see how I network as a business owner, mom, & business owner.
One of my favorite ways to really get to know other creatives is to find a way to collaborate with them on a project. It’s a great way to see how your personalities jive & how they are on a professional level without having the pressure of a client. Come up with a project that allows each person to contribute their talents while giving value to the other vendors. Collaborating is a fast way to see if you’re a good fit & to start trusting someone.
I know it’s hard! As an introvert, I’ll pretty much find any excuse not to have to go to that event by myself. I know it’s uncomfortable, but building relationships is vital to your success as a business owner and doing it now will pay dividends in the long run for how fast your business grows in your new market.
My key tip is to find ways that work for you. Don’t like large crowd networking events? find smaller groups or get together with people one on one.