“Hey yo, Gari-Ann! What have you been up to? How are you keeping busy and developing your business?” Network marketing to boost your connections and inquiries Good question! I’ve been making very deliberate decisions about my business relationships and every day I’m pushing towards my goal of growing my professional branding business, Kia & Co. […]
Rachel is the heart and brains behind Inspire to Engage, a business and podcast by the same name. She helps entrepreneurs market their businesses wisely and efficiently, specifically helping busy moms be successful mompreneurs with their money and time. Inspire to Engage: The Podcast I was recently featured on Rachel’s podcast sharing my tips on […]
Gari-Ann’s branding photo shoot for my business was an absolute game changer. She instructed me every step of the way so instead of worrying about the details, I just had fun and walked away with a beautiful set of professional images that I use for my website, email marketing, social media, business cards, and just about everywhere. She is the best!!
Growth Digital