Having an email that you send out on a regular basis can help with keeping you top of mind with clients. You land right in their inbox and can have a great impact on their likelihood of purchasing or working with you in the future.
I knew for years that I needed to be sending out an email newsletter to clients on a regular basis as a D.C. brand photographer. I have product and brand clients who need to work with me on a recurring basis, keeping top of mind only benefits me and my business. Over and over I’d heard, “you own your email list”, yes they’re right! The amount of clients who convert in an email is far higher than the amount who convert from any social media post. But I was recreating the wheel every month, thinking that I needed for my newsletter to be completely new each month…it doesn’t!
Now I look at newsletters in the form of blocks, most of those blocks being a template! This was game changing for the way that I approached building a newsletter every month in my favorite email newsletter provider, Flodesk. It suddenly became easy. Here are the aspects of my newsletter that always stay the same:
From month to month, the goal of my newsletter tends to change depending on what season of business I’m in. These goals can include: sharing a blog post/something of value, sharing a promotion or, industry trends or news, and any other information that would be of interest to my client.
Always keeping in mind that I want to provide my clients with value, because that’s the only way they’re going to continue opening my emails, here are my favorite block topics to pull from each time I build an email newsletter. I’ll usually select 2-4 blocks to include, as to not overwhelm my clients with too much information.
Here is a PDF copy of my favorite Newsletter block topics to include in your next email to your clients
Some of these email newsletter block topics are very brand photography & business related, but most of them are there for me to share a little bit about myself each time–building know, like, & trust with my clients & future clients.
For a few years I’ve been using Flodesk as my email newsletter provider. It has the aesthetic that fits my brand, while being easy to build with their drag and drop block system. (Use this link for 50% off your subscription to Flodesk) There are free options to use, like Mailchimp, but they aren’t as easy for me to create an email newsletter that fits my brand well.
If you’d like to see a few examples of recent newsletters that I’ve sent my audience, take a look here, here, and here.