Fill Happy | Sustainable Refill Product Shoot

Fill Happy is a refill & zero waste personal care & home product company based in Williamsburg, VA. Jana, the owner of Fill Happy, helps households find sustainable products for personal hygiene and household cleaning that would limit exposure to toxins. She hope to protect the environment and make a better future by using affordable, sustainable products that are easy to purchase and use. 

Product images for her refill station

Jana approached me because she was seeking product images for her refill station. She has clients select their refill vessel & fills it with the product of their choice. While she has stock images for many of the products in her shops from the wholesale retailers, she didn’t have images of her refill station products. As soon as she nailed down her collection of glass and stainless steel bottles & completed her label design with Kara Anne & Co. (I also did some brand and product photography for Kara here & here) we started on her product photography. 

For her shoot I included a few different images of each product:

  • Consistent image of each product
  • Image of the different vessel options
  • Image of the product

For the vessels I provided images of

  • Mockup of blank label (so that she can add additional products in the future and add in the name of each product at a later date)
  • Each individual vessel
  • Comparison shots of the different vessel size options in each type of vessel (amber, clear, & stainless steel)

Following our product shoot Jana had a comprehensive gallery of images that allowed her to have consistent images of her products and be flexible when adding additional products to her lineup at a future date.

Other E-Commerce Product Shoots

meet Gari-Ann

Gari-Ann Kia is an accomplished Branding and Product Photographer with a passion for helping creatives and professionals elevate their brand by showcasing their product, promoting their services, or simply enhancing their brand image. Gari-Ann's expertise in branding and product photography will help you stand out from the crowd. With years of experience in the field, Gari-Ann has honed her skills and developed a unique approach to visual storytelling that resonates with her clients and their target audience to help them stand out from the crowd.

Gari-Ann currently lives in the Washington DC area with her husband and two children. She enjoys traveling with her family, some of their favorite destinations have been Santorini, Wanaka, Paris, & Aix en Provence. In her free time, Gari-Ann enjoys giving back to her community by supporting fellow military spouses & their families and mentoring other small business owners.
