Doing it right: Using your brand images on your website

Lauren is the amazing lady behind Lyra Studios where she creates elegant & luxurious brands for creatives in her graphic design work. She works with women-owned businesses to give them a high-end touch in their brand’s Show-it websites & collateral. Here are some image highlights and the planning that went behind her last session in Richmond, Virginia.

On her website, Lauren does an amazing job using her brand images and videos to tell the story of what does as a graphic designer and attract the type of clients that she seeks.

Here are some things she does right with her brand images and video clips on her website:

1. She uses images that show her client what she does and how she does it
2. All the images are very cohesive (even the ones I didn’t shoot for her)
3. It’s very evident what service she provides for the get go
4. She allows her clients to get to know her—allowing them to know, like, and trust her

meet Gari-Ann

Gari-Ann Kia is an accomplished Branding and Product Photographer with a passion for helping creatives and professionals elevate their brand by showcasing their product, promoting their services, or simply enhancing their brand image. Gari-Ann's expertise in branding and product photography will help you stand out from the crowd. With years of experience in the field, Gari-Ann has honed her skills and developed a unique approach to visual storytelling that resonates with her clients and their target audience to help them stand out from the crowd.

Gari-Ann currently lives in the Washington DC area with her husband and two children. She enjoys traveling with her family, some of their favorite destinations have been Santorini, Wanaka, Paris, & Aix en Provence. In her free time, Gari-Ann enjoys giving back to her community by supporting fellow military spouses & their families and mentoring other small business owners.
