Few Made | Jewelry Product Shoot

Few Made is a family jewelry brand based in Richmond, Virginia. Their jewelry is inspired by the South Pacific and is made for the passionate woman who loves life and is connected with her beauty, inside and out. As suggested by their name, all their pieces are hand made and created in limited quantities so that they can provide distinct pieces to their clients.

Product shoot planning process

Kena Treadway, the founder of Few Made, came to me as they were in the rebranding process. They had a website being designed, along with a new brand design…and guess what, they needed the images that complimented the two.

I love when I get pulled in at this point in the process because clients really have a great feel for what they are wanting for their images. We already had existing color palettes and the exact placement of the images on the website, these made planning on my end so much easier. I was easily able to source props & put together a shot list because it was very clear what they needed for their site.

Moodboard that Kena sent to me for their product photography

Sourcing props for their product shoot

When I started sourcing props for their product shoot, I was so happy that we were at the beginnings of the summer season. That made it really easy to find materials that were organic and made from natural materials. My main source for the props for their shoot was Crate and Barrel. For backdrops, I ordered natural fiber placemats, linen dinner napkins, and marble & wood cutting boards and chargers. I placed the jewelry on simple props like a book with a linen cover, rocks from my back yard, and sea salt from my pantry.

Few Made’s final rebranded website

The images that I created were to be used for header images & images for each category of collections–necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings. Take a look at some of the ways their team used the images I created on their website:

Follow Few Made


Some of my favorite images created for Few Made:

meet Gari-Ann

Gari-Ann Kia is an accomplished Branding and Product Photographer with a passion for helping creatives and professionals elevate their brand by showcasing their product, promoting their services, or simply enhancing their brand image. Gari-Ann's expertise in branding and product photography will help you stand out from the crowd. With years of experience in the field, Gari-Ann has honed her skills and developed a unique approach to visual storytelling that resonates with her clients and their target audience to help them stand out from the crowd.

Gari-Ann currently lives in the Washington DC area with her husband and two children. She enjoys traveling with her family, some of their favorite destinations have been Santorini, Wanaka, Paris, & Aix en Provence. In her free time, Gari-Ann enjoys giving back to her community by supporting fellow military spouses & their families and mentoring other small business owners.
